Thursday, 28 March 2013

Hello there, my fellow students, and all patriotic Nigerians; this is to introduce the “Enlightenment Series”, a kind of blog where we can reason together as humans on issues that border on our existence as human beings, covering political, educational, social, entertainment, economic and religious issues. I (to be known simply as Skola), as the sole administrator of “Enlightenment Series” presently, intend to make this a platform where noble-minded Nigerians can become enlightened and as well air their views on the issues to be raised here. You know, they always say that no knowledge is a waste; again, someone once said that “knowledge is not power, it is the application of it that is”; well, to an extent that could be true.
There is no need to engage in a long debate for a start. To buttress what I have said so far, the vision of this blog is to find the way forward. What is the way forward? This is the essence of “Enlightenment Series”! Permit me to state some “rules” which would be governing us in this forum. Inasmuch as the topics that will be discussed will as well come from individualistic perspectives (to a level of research), I would like every one of us to treat such with high regard (Like I said, it is a forum, and nobody knows it all!). Secondly, I recognise the fact that we are a whole lot of individuals with different personalities and backgrounds; as a result, it would be very appropriate to place objectivity and originality as our watchwords here. Let us please leave sentiment outside the door and “attack” the matter at hand and not the person(s) involved; we are proponents of unity and brotherhood amongst Nigerians, irrespective of tribe, tongue or religion and would not advocate derogatory comments that would tend to belie our vision. However, everyone is entitled to their own opinions as constructive criticisms are welcome.
Forging ahead, “Enlightenment Series” is intended to be a weekly periodical, to be pasted in strategic locations within the university, and would be available precisely every Monday morning in the school’s academic calendar, except during the examinations and holidays. A lot of changes and modifications would be made, due only to popular demand.
Finally, articles, ideas, etc. from like-minded individuals are very much welcome, and should be directed to the administrator. The gun has been fired, the race is started; better is the end of a thing than its beginning (Eccl. 7:8). We shall find the way forward! Thank you for your understanding and cooperation.
Skola: +2348138404469,

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