Saturday, 20 April 2013


Hello once again! It is another Monday; a beautiful day which God has made, if and only if you do take out time to behold the wonders and beauty of each day and stop bemoaning it. Today, we continue the Enlightenment Series with the lovely topic above. (Don’t forget to send yours via the administrator; thanks to the comments made last week by Consider and others. Remember, we only seek to find the way forward.) Yes, “The Animal Called Man”! You might ask, “What’s this guy trying to say?” or “Are you trying to insult or degrade mankind?” Well, perhaps you will answer the questions at the end of this edition. (Note that I will be writing primarily from an individualistic perspective. “Man” is used in a generic sense here.)
I remember my Biology textbook in secondary school saying that there are two kinds of “things” in the world; viz. living and non-living things. It further went ahead to sub-divide living things into plants and animals. From this, you can see that it is either you are a plant, or an animal. (I believe plants do not read!) However, the same textbook went further to sub-group animals into other bla and bla which you should know; Man is not the only mammal that was mentioned by the textbook. But, in order to “avoid” the “animality” of Man, we choose to call ourselves “higher animals”. I totally agree to this though, because I do not see myself in the same level/class with the goat, fowl, monkey, chimpanzee and even the lion or the eagle. This is because “God created man in his own image; in the image of God he created them; male and female he created them. And God... said to them, ‘... rule... over every living creature that moves on the ground’” (Gen. 1:27&28, NIV). I then begin to wonder why some people say that life evolved from the water and that Man is the latest form of this evolution which has occurred some millions of years ago after the “Big Bang”. I would like to ask them why man has not evolved into another “being” after many such years of their existence. Let them please answer!
What then is an animal? Encarta dictionary says an animal is a living organism that is distinguished from plants by independent movement and responsive sense organs.
What then makes Man an animal? The acronym MR NIGER D helps us out. Man is often denoted as a:
·        Social animal – This is because Man thrives well in the company of fellow men. Someone once said that the man who naturally resigns to himself away from the others is often times said to be either a beast or a god. From birth, Man learns to depend on his mother’s milk and love, father’s protection and support and siblings’ company for survival. He also learns to interact with a vast majority of fellow humans and other animals as he grows up, and needs also their approval and admiration. Even the prisoners, monks and nuns interact amongst themselves and so, there is no exception to the sociality of the animal called Man.
·        Political animal – This is because as he grows and thrives on his interdependence on others, he desires to control, organize and dominate them. As such, he sets out to seek for power over them via many means; sets up governments, formulates laws and enforces them, all in order to rule, be respected and even feared. Some people lay hold to the claim that they are “born to rule”; but I ask, who then is “born to be ruled”??
·        Rational animal – This is because as he traverses his ecological location, he observes a lot of things which lead him to wonder, ponder and go yonder to conquer. Man is a being of value who is ontologically not interested in wasting his time and life. These values influence his choices and preferences in life, and thus decide his behaviour. Man thinks and philosophizes on the issues of life.
·        Religious being – This is because he believes there is a Supreme Being who is responsible for his existence and that of other things which he sees, and who in one way or the other controls the world and everything in it. Thus he seeks to acknowledge, respect/ worship and approach this Divine Being higher than him, using various means and depends on Him for protection, provision, fulfillment and support. As a result, there are motley of religions all over the world, who in one way or the other seek dominance over the others.
·        Selfish being – This is because he is not more interested in others than he is in himself; he is naturally egocentric, proud and ambitious; if not for true, real Love (of God).
·        Creative being – Oh how I adore the creative powers of the human mind! Who has ever thought of building a “tower of Babel”? Or of constructing the pyramids of Egypt or the Hanging Gardens of Babylon? Or of flying without wings or swimming without fins? Or of the internet or of even going to the moon?! Or of writing or reading? Or of singing and making sweet, melodious tunes? Who, if not the powerful, creative animal called Man? Never underrate or underestimate the great, powerful abilities of the human being!

Oops! We are sorry we will not go any further, because we promised that each publication would not exceed two pages. However, this great topic continues next week. Do keep in touch. <>

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