To those who've experienced it before: Slapping to death a mosquito that sucks at your leg -that's SUCCESS! Listening to the rumbling sound of hunger in your stomach -that's MUSIC! Passing through a closed tunnel in search of "light at the end of the tunnel" -that's HOPE! Falling/jumping off a rock cliff to verify "The Call of Wings" -that's FAITH! Crying after a tooth has been pulled off -that's TEARS OF JOY! (After all, "the end justifies the means") Beating a child until they cry in order to correct their misbehaviour -that's LOVE! Praying for 24/7 uninterrupted electricity in Nigeria -that's PRAYING AMISS Confronting armed robbers at night with only a torchlight and a pen -that's COURAGE! (After all, isn't the pen "mightier than the sword"?) Piloting a helicopter the first time you've ever entered one -that's ADVENTURE! Singing the National Anthem each morning you wake up -that's PATRIOTISM! And finally ... after reading this and u no smile/laugh and share it to your friends -Haba na! Are you TELEPATHIC? Go see your doctor! (Everyone knows this is a joke.)
Friday, 6 September 2013
To those who've experienced it before: Slapping to death a mosquito that sucks at your leg -that's SUCCESS! Listening to the rumbling sound of hunger in your stomach -that's MUSIC! Passing through a closed tunnel in search of "light at the end of the tunnel" -that's HOPE! Falling/jumping off a rock cliff to verify "The Call of Wings" -that's FAITH! Crying after a tooth has been pulled off -that's TEARS OF JOY! (After all, "the end justifies the means") Beating a child until they cry in order to correct their misbehaviour -that's LOVE! Praying for 24/7 uninterrupted electricity in Nigeria -that's PRAYING AMISS Confronting armed robbers at night with only a torchlight and a pen -that's COURAGE! (After all, isn't the pen "mightier than the sword"?) Piloting a helicopter the first time you've ever entered one -that's ADVENTURE! Singing the National Anthem each morning you wake up -that's PATRIOTISM! And finally ... after reading this and u no smile/laugh and share it to your friends -Haba na! Are you TELEPATHIC? Go see your doctor! (Everyone knows this is a joke.)
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